8 things to know about sports injuries
I’m sorry you got injured. It happens to everyone at some point
I know how it feels and its why I got into this line of work.
It looks like I only treat elite athletes but its not true. Most of my clients are regular people who just want to get better as quickly as possible.
You must take responsibility for your own healing. If you don’t, nobody else will. I can help guide you along the way. I have probably seen this before. I have been doing this at the highest level for 25 years.
Its possible that you may have to modify your activity for a short time. It will be worth it in the long run.
Longevity in a sport is the best predictor for success in that sport. Staying healthy is the key and is why professional teams employ Athletic Trainers (ATC's) to minimize 'days lost to injury'.
Most of my referrals are for shoulders, hips, backs and elbows, but knees and ankles are easy by comparison!
This won’t take as long as you think once you get on the right path. Let’s get started!
Obviously there's lots more to know but that's a start.